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Jenga Discovery Call

So imagine your life as a tall Jenga puzzle structure which is infested with certain serious life issues be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. U are not able to cleanse your Life structure without smashing it all down and U are struggling on your own.


This is where I come in as the expert to help U strategise and clean the whole structure which is infected with your limiting beliefs, emotional toxicity, energetic/karmic blocks and more.

I do this by empowering U through my gift of seeing patterns and making insightful connections, helping U unpack complex situations. 

I intuitively look into what U are asking for and what is really happening. I then know which minimum Jenga pieces I need to pull out and how, that will cleanse and purify your whole life carefully, in the minimum number of sessions/time, with ease AND without adversely affecting balance in your Jenga.

We will also carefully add supportive elements to make your structure stronger and durable.

I will create a customised package for U that is the best for U in your case. It can include psychological, emotional, physical, all areas, and may include brain frequencies, Fengshui/Vaastu, Building Biology, Energetic clearing of Aura/Space etc. depending on what is required (and u don’t have to pay for so many single sessions separately).

If U would like to find out more about the Jenga Package, please fill in the form below for a one time 20 minutes obligation free call.