Decode Your Pain & Suffering

to see what really is going on in your body, relationships, or business.


your subconscious to your conscious desires

A comprehensive Mind-Body-Soul analysis with TimeWaver Pro to get real time insights into any imbalances that are causing discomfort in your life.

U are not just your physical body!!!

And many a times, your pain and suffering may seem physical but the causes may not be rooted in just the physical. They may be at physical, mental, emotional, energetic, karmic or consciousness level.  

An imbalance in one can cause a defect in the other and vice versa.

Thus treating it only through physical means may not bring in real or long term relief.   If U know how much greater U are than our physical bodies, U would know that all experiences of your life begin at the consciousness level and eventually manifest in your physical.

Hence, we need a wholistic view of the issue and need a wholistic way that considers U as a Wholistic being.

This is where TimeWaver Pro comes in - combining traditional and advanced healing methods with cutting-edge technology, to create personalised treatment plans based on your unique energy field.

My vision for U is pain-free days and restful nights so your body can regenerate and heal itself without the use of daily drugs and worries related to harmful side effects.

The so-called Information Field is originally part of a unified field theory, formulated by German physicist Burkhard Heim (a student of Werner Heisenberg) in the late 1970s.

Heim had thereby pursued a task at which many renowned physicists, for example Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, had so far ultimately failed.

Through TimeWaver, U can discover how your well-being and overall wellness are intricately tied to various aspects of your life, such as work, family, and personal experiences. The influence of your psychological state and numerous subtle factors on your day-to-day life is profound, often making it challenging to pinpoint the root causes of imbalances and restore harmony.

Enter the world of TimeWaver technology, a groundbreaking approach that delves deep into the Information Field to decode the complex interplay affecting your well-being. Drawing from extensive user experiences, TimeWaver offers insights into aligning and correcting unseen imbalances within the Information Field.

This technology unlocks the vast archive of data related to your mental and physical state, encompassing both positive and negative aspects, strengths and weaknesses, and everything in between, all stored within the Information Field that spans the Earth and the Universe.

TimeWaver is based on the concept that the Information Field serves as the intangible medium facilitating the dialogue between spirit and matter. This field mirrors your spiritual interpretations of life's events, offering a unique lens through which U can understand and influence your existence.

What do U need help with?

Choose a session below:

Full Body Reading

Organs, Meridians, Chakras - Decode your body, decode your life. Discover what emotions your body is holding on to and where, and what are they really telling U!

Relationship Harmony

Communication, respect, integrity, trust, space, kindness, patience, healing trauma, and being U in relationships

Trauma Release & Emotional Balancing

Find your calm amidst all the chaos. Release underlying trauma from your physical, mental and energetic bodies

Masculine Feminine Balancing

Acknowledging, Allowing and Celebrating this unique dance of polarity, within

Pain, Sleep, Energy Management

Quick, non-invasive, drug-free solutions. Find out what imbalances in your information field are causing these issues then receive customised frequencies to harmonise them

Personal Fengshui

Each direction has its own power and strength.
Find out how directions are affecting U and your life and harmonise any imbalances

Home/Building Analysis

Your life is connected to and flows with the environment around it. Each direction has its own power and strength. Is the land favourable? Is it working for U?

Business Alignement

Check if U and your business are moving in the same direction. Improve your relationship with your business and hence its productivity, efficiency and growth.

Wealth & Prosperity

Discover what’s blocking your success in wealth and prosperity and harmonise imbalances in your field

Ancestral Healing

Going one level deep each week: 1. Parents 2. Grandparents 3. Great Grandparents and 4. All Ancestors. 4 weeks of daily frequencies for each level to heal your ancestral lineage (total 8 weeks).

Meridians Analysis

Discover which emotions are blocking the flow of energy in your meridians and at what point.

Coming Soon!

Based on the issue U are facing, I will perform a comprehensive analysis of your Mind, Body and Soul. I may look into Aura, energy flow, emotions etc. and discuss the findings with U. I may also suggest certain practices and or activities to do on your own.

After the consultation, U can choose to receive frequencies to harmonise the imbalances highlighted during the consultation. I can create a personally tailored optimisation plan for U based on the findings and U will then receive 4 weeks of remote optimisations for each analyses to harmonise those imbalances.

Then within a few days, I will get in touch with U to see how you're going and if there's any changes required or need deeper analysis (NO EXTRA CHARGE).

The follow up session will be in about a month's time ($99).

Discover and harmonise what’s really affecting U, not just mindset, but at different levels:

  • Subconscious Beliefs

  • Relationship Effects

  • Environmental Causes

  • Blockage of Chi/Prana/Life Force

  • Emotions Stuck in the body

  • Lack of Sleep, Energy, Joy in Life

  • Building Defects (Vastu/Fengshui)

  • Karmic, Life Lessons

  • and more....

U will be supported throughout by my own expertise in Embodying Consciousness and Alternative Healing Methods.

Onkar taps into parts of you that you don’t even remember exist. The ones you had probably numbed down due to past trauma.

She lights up a spark in your mind for new and better possibilities. AND shows you exactly how to make them your reality. Now how I practice that is my responsibility.

Onkar has this unique ability to go inside you like I literally felt she was inside my head and my heart when she was talking about my thoughts and how I felt. It was so scary, but in a good way, very good way because no one ever got me even when I clearly communicated to them. She really knew what was going on for me. For the first time in 45 years, I felt I was seen and heard and also supported.

- D.S (India)

I found myself to be at peace with what was going on and a lot with my past which I had never been able to cope with."

- Ariana (Australia)

“Onkar’s approach to my query was very insightful and helpful, even clarifying what I was thinking but not saying.

Her energy was warm, motherly and empathetic.

Thank you Onkar, for the role you have played in my breakthroughs. Receiving and giving love to the universe in equal measure 😊"

- Y (South Africa)

"I feel like I am in the middle of a journey, which I am hoping will never end. The session was so interesting and thought provoking and life has changed so much in the last 24 hours.

Interesting that you chose the psychological approach this time. I feel like I am thinking things through using the FILTERS you gave me. But 5 seconds of thinking is plenty and feels like ages, and it's even ok to change my mind more than once, if it doesn't feel right the first time.

I think when I boil up some of these quick results, it points to RELATIONSHIPS.... I have been able to see that I need to focus on my inner work and that there are important things missing internally that have affected my relationships and my life. I am not sure what these are at the moment, I just had a glimpse of them with you. As a result, I've been more loving and accepting of Maria. I've been able to make a difference for my sister overseas, when she really needed someone. I had a full-on conversation with a couple in a shop that I would normally have judged. The love present was so high with them that they gave me their mobile number with a picture of their dog.

I have been thinking through the distinction between "BEING SPOILT" and "LOVING MYSELF" and using that as one of my decision filters, which has helped me do things lovingly, which I would normally have done but got upset about, or avoided. So last night we had a lovely night, which would not normally have gone well.

I've noticed the "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" going on in my head and how much it has held me back in life. Today I was leaving the house late for a picnic meeting with friends and could not find what I needed to take. At that precise moment of leaving, Maria rang. I briefly said what the problems were, and she solved them all in under a minute. She told me there was already a hot thermos of water she had made, on the bench, that I could take for tea. She told me where to find a new picnic rug and helped me remember where there was already a pre-prepared kitty litter for my cat that was going with me. I would normally not have waited to listen to that contribution or accepted any advice.

Instead of falling into the trap of OBLIGATION or GUILT, I am looking at things freshly and CHOOSING, based on logic, desire, love, expertise etc, so the same enormous tasks are now not insurmountable.

I've progressed on important legal issues that were scary before and can see it is MY RIGHT to ask for what is right. I have also found it easy to say what I want and what I don't want and even say no or yes.

I don't see my "TO DO" list as a list any more. More like an ever-evolving enigma, which is not a burden. Just things to note.

I just feel like I have my POWER coming back (and also newly) to help me live the life I want or can't even imagine at this point."

- Marol, Australia (name changed due to privacy reasons)

Dealing with more than one issue that U need help with?

Click on Jenga Package below




We are not Medical Practitioners and we DO NOT give medical advice to anyone. This page is informational only and only to support U in your chosen journey to Wellbeing. If U have a medical condition, please consult with your medical practitioner first.

The analysis and harmonisation in the Information Field is not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any disease or medical condition. It is intended to give the professional user the option, in a holistic context, to derive helpful information from findings from the Information Field. Each professional user should evaluate, based on their own experience, whether the application is useful in their practice. The terms used in the databases and modules do not constitute statements concerning their effects. Information from the TimeWaver system should always be critically questioned and, if necessary, verified with further procedures.

By booking this service, U agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this website/page are personal testimonials of results that have been shared with us by clients. They are not a guarantee and may not apply to everyone and are not intended to represent that all users will achieve the same or similar results. Healing is a unique journey for each person and results are therefore not replicable.

©Be U Til Full 2022-2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

“This is a not-for-profit community service/member organisation” and “all profits are used to fund the member community projects”.